"Alberon's support with SharePoint has given us the flexibility and reliability we needed"

Case Studies

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The brief

Drax Group, a multinational organisation, needed guidance with the governance and structure of their large SharePoint intranet. It comprised multiple sites, which were all being managed separately – leading to inconsistencies.

Key goals included giving all employees a strong sense of group unity and an intranet that was easy to navigate. The first part of the project involved re-designing the main group intranet. The second part looked at the structure and design of sites belonging to the different areas of the business and making it easier to navigate between them.

The solution

We began the project with a workshop to review their current IT issues, understand their goals and the general governance of the system.

Consistent design – We worked on the graphic design to give the intranet the organisation look and feel, following the internal branding guidelines.

Unified Intranet – We created wireframes to propose different ideas for navigation within sites and from one site to another. An agreement was reached about the design and structure to be used to connect the sites.

Best practise – We provided guidance to the staff responsible for setting up and maintaining the sites to ensure continued best practice was followed across all the sites. This ensured a professional and consistent approach to navigation, design and format of content.


SharePoint Online. Microsoft Fluent UI Theme Designer.

Hertford College

Hertford College

The brief

Hertford College needed advice on setting up an intranet to bring together existing information into one location. It was important that the intranet was easy to use and the design fitted with the college website. They needed some areas of the site to only be accessible to certain groups of people.

The solution

We helped Hertford set up an appropriate structure and permissions to ensure that people had access to the right information. We worked on the graphic design to give the intranet the college look and feel, following the style of the college website. We made use of functionality provided by SharePoint, such as calendars and document libraries, to present the information in a suitable form to the users. We provided training on how to assign permissions to different groups of people within the college.


SharePoint 2013. Used sub-sites, document libraries, calendars (including overlays), announcements, custom styling, custom permissions.


"Daybreak has been delighted with the support we have received from Alberon. With staff working from different locations including working from home, SharePoint has given us the flexibility and reliability we needed to share documents." Laura Bristow, Daybreak daybreak-oxford.org.uk


The brief

Daybreak came to us for help with how to use SharePoint Online which they had use of as part of their charity subscription to Office 365 (now known as Microsoft 365).

Daybreak runs three Dementia Day Clubs in Oxfordshire. Daybreak staff work at different locations with some staff working from home. They were using a mixture of Office 365, Onedrive and Dropbox. Because Daybreak staff were working at various locations and from home they were experiencing issues when trying to share documents. They needed a reliable and secure way to share documents.

The solution

We began the project with a planning workshop to understand their requirements and problems. Next, we showed them what SharePoint can do and made recommendations for how they could use SharePoint to meet their needs. Daybreak now had the confidence to move forward and they asked us to set up an intranet for them.

We provided their staff with training so they could look after SharePoint themselves going forward. The training was especially focussed on document libraries and permissions.


SharePoint Online. Document libraries.

St John’s Church Carterton

"Our consultant (Heidi) spent time understanding our requirements, then designed a site which meets our needs perfectly. She provided training and initial technical support to help us get up and running. Thank you Alberon." Linda Wooloff www.stjohnschurchcarterton.org.uk

St John’s Church Carterton

The brief

St John the Evangelist in the Parish of Carterton is part of the Church of England Diocese of Oxford and is a charitable organisation. They have a regular worshipping congregation of around 100 and their vision is to be a growing church.

St John’s Church Carterton came to us for advice on how best to use SharePoint Online which they had use of as part of their charity subscription to Office 365.

They needed a reliable and secure way to share and collaborate on documents. Their current system had become unstable and had restrictions if several people wished to edit a document at the same time, which had resulted in documents being overwritten and work lost.

They already had some knowledge of using SharePoint, but wanted to make sure they were going about things in the best possible way and needed training in using and administering SharePoint Online.

The solution

We provided training focussed on setting up and running document libraries for a number of different groups within the church, and ensuring permissions were set up correctly.
We covered the pros and cons of a folder-less structure, and in this case we agreed that using folders was the most appropriate solution.

After the training staff at the church had the knowledge and the confidence to set up the libraries and work with the content.


SharePoint Online. Document libraries.

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